Process 1

Odysseus desperately wants to get home!

After a long battle against the Trojans that ended victoriously for the Greeks, Odysseus sets sail back to Ithica to be reunited with his beautiful wife, Penelope.

Back in Ithica, Odysseus is a mighty king but his journey home is fraught with peril and maddness because of the all-powerful God of the Ocean, Poseidon, whom he has offended.

Odysseus's voyage back to Ithica takes 10 years and includes a run in with a Cyclops, Sirens, and an Immortal Witch named Circe. 

To help Odysseus and his men, your group is going to have to learn a bit more about "The Odyssey."

Write about what you learn in your JOURNAL.

What is an epic?
What is this story about anyway?
What do you think of Odysseus' character?
Would you make a good ship's captain?

* Discover your own answers to these questions by clicking on the following links and exploring these webpages.

Click HERE to read the defintion of Epic.
Click HERE to read the story of Odysseus's voyage.
Click HERE and find out how life would be if you were Odysseus, Penelope, or Telemachus.
Click HERE and you can guide Odysseus's decisions as he travels home.

Click here to watch a movie maker video of Odysseus in the Cyclop's Cave.